Jeremy Hunt
Mae’r Ysgrifennydd Diwylliant, Jeremy Hunt, wedi codi dau fys gwleidyddol ar arweinwyr y pleidiau yng Nghymru, trwy wrthod eu cais am adolygiad annibynnol o ddyfodol S4C.

Os bydd adolygiad o gwbl, fe fyddai hynny’n digwydd yn 2015, meddai – ddwy flynedd ar ôl i’r sianel gael ei rhoi dan adain y BBC. A’r awgrym yw mai’r BBC fyddai’n cynnal hwnnw.

Roedd y pedwar arweinydd – yn cynrychioli pob un o bleidiau’r Cynulliad – wedi gofyn am adolygiad ar unwaith, wrth i ddarlledwyr, ymgyrchwyr a gwleidyddion ofyn am sicrhau annibyniaeth S4C.

Roedd y llythyr wedi ei anfon at y Prif Weinidog, David Cameron, bron fis yn ôl ond dim ond echdoe y cafodd yr ateb ei anfon gan yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol.

Fe fydd un cymal yn ei lythyr yn ychwanegu at y pryderon am annibyniaeth S4C – mae’n sôn am “annibyniaeth olygyddol”, sy’n llawer llai nag y mae ymgyrchwyr wedi gofyn amdano.

Ond mae’n dweud ei fod yn fodlon ymgynghori gyda swyddogion Llywodraeth y Cynulliad wrth i’r trefniadau gael eu gwneud ar gyfer “y bartneriaeth” rhwng S4C a’r BBC.

Mwy o alw

Roedd y galwadau am arolwg wedi cynyddu heddiw wrth i Awdurdod S4C gael ei adael mewn llanast llwyr ar ôl hanner-ymddiswyddiad honedig y Cadeirydd, John Walter Jones.

Mae’r aelodau eraill yn mynnu ei fod ef wedi ymddiswyddo’n agored mewn cyfarfod o’r Awdurdod ond mae wedi dweud wrth newyddiadurwyr ei fod am aros yn y swydd tan y gwanwyn.

Ymhlith yr ymateb yn ystod y dydd heddiw, roedd galwad am i’r Awdurdod cyfan ymddiswyddo (Alun Davies, AC Llafur) am i bawb ond y Cadeirydd ymddiswyddo (Alun Cairns AS ac AC Ceidwadol) ac am roi gofal y sianel yn nwylo Ofcom (Rhodri Glyn Tomos, AC Plaid Cymru).


Thank you for your letter of 29 October to the Prime Minister about the funding and governance of S4C. I am replying as the Secretary of State for Media.

You will be aware that I have made clear the Government’s commitment to a hig-quality, independent Welsh Language television service. I have secured the future of such a service through the partnership between S4C and the BBC set out in the Television Licence Fee settlement. The Government is keen to ensure that S4C remains an editorially independent and distinct service. The combination of the Comprehensive Spending Review and the new licence fee settlement mean that funding for S4C is now secured for four years. A multi-year settlement such as this is particularly important in areas such as broadcasting where planning timescales and lead times are long.

Given the recent speculation about S4C, I believe that it is important that S4C and the BBC are given time to work out the details of the partnership we have proposed. My officials will be closely involved in that Process. We are also happy to engage fully with Welsh Assembly Government officials as this progresses.

There is merit in your idea of a review of Welsh language broadcasting. My letter of 21 October 2010 to Sir Michael Lyons [Cadeirydd Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC] setting out the licence fee settlement makes reference to a review of the Strategy and finances of S4C taking place. The aim is for that review to be conducted towards the end of the current spending review period so that the partnership will have had sufficient opportunity to develop effective ways of working and to generate synergies and other efficiencies. The Welsh Assembly Government will be one of several parties with legitimate interest in the terms and scope of that review of S4C; no decisions have yet been taken about it.

I fully appreciate the important role of the S4C television service in Wales. I believe that the arrangements I have agreed provide sustainable foundations on which the channel will be able to plan sensibly for the future. I would be pleased to work with all the parties in Wales as we take forward this important work.